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MOFA response to Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies again passing motion supporting Taiwan’s international participation and enhanced bilateral cooperation

From Department of European Affairs, MOFA 2024-04-26
MOFA welcomes Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies’ passage of motion in favor of Taiwan’s participation in international organizations & bilateral cooperation!

The Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg on April 24 adopted a motion to support Taiwan’s participation as an observer in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Health Assembly (WHA) at a technical level. The motion received 58 of a total of 60 votes following a plenary review.

In the motion, the Chamber of Deputies again called on the government of Luxembourg to support Taiwan’s involvement in WHO, the WHA, and other specialized international organizations so as to allow Taiwan to share its medical expertise and experience. Stressing that peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific are fundamental interests of the European Union and Luxembourg, the motion urged the Luxembourg government to work to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait and to support stronger EU-Taiwan economic and trade cooperation. It also called for enhanced collaboration and exchanges between Taiwan and Luxembourg across all domains including the economy, science, culture, education, and public health. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) sincerely welcomes and appreciates the motion.

This motion follows that passed on May 17, 2022, which called for the strengthening of economic, scientific, and cultural relations with Taiwan. The cross-party endorsement the present motion received underscores the fact that the current Chamber of Deputies (serving 2023-2028) and the government of Luxembourg support deepening relations with Taiwan and recognize Taiwan’s ability to contribute positively to the international community.

Taiwan and Luxembourg are like-minded partners that share the values of democracy, freedom, and human rights. They will continue to expand and bolster exchanges and cooperation to create sustainable prosperity and well-being for their peoples.

Related Link(s)
Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies motion (original text)
Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies plenary session (video)