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MOFA thanks Japan, Germany, Australia for backing Taiwan’s WHO participation

From Taiwan Today 2019-05-10
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Germany, Japan and Australia are the latest like-minded countries recognizing Taiwan Can Help realize the WHO’s primary objective of Health For All. (MOFA)

Germany, Japan and Australia are the latest like-minded countries recognizing Taiwan Can Help realize the WHO’s primary objective of Health For All. (MOFA)

The support of Japan, Germany and Australia for Taiwan’s participation in the activities, mechanisms and meetings of the World Health Organization is sincerely appreciated, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs May 9.
It is heartening to know the three like-minded countries stand with Canada, the EU, U.K. and U.S. in recognizing the need for Taiwan’s inclusion in the global health security network, the MOFA said. Politics must not be put ahead of realizing the WHO’s primary objective of Health For All.
Japan’s backing came May 8 via a tweet on the official Twitter account of Foreign Minister Taro Kono. He wrote that greater global efforts must be made in creating a seamless response to combating pandemics, and Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly as an observer is in line with this approach.
Echoing these sentiments, Tokyo-headquartered Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association posted May 8 on its official Facebook account stating there is no reason for Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO and reaffirming Japan’s long-standing support for the country as a WHA observer.
The German Institute Taipei followed suit May 9 in a statement, describing the decision to shut Taiwan out of the WHA as regretful and arguing that participation should be open to all parties capable of making significant contributions to global health issues.
Taiwan makes great efforts and is a key player in the fight against pandemics, the GIT said, adding that Germany strongly opposes the politicization of global health issues.
Much in the same vein, the Australian Office Taipei posted May 8 on its official Facebook account that Taiwan can support regional and global health affairs through pragmatic participation in the international community.
Taiwan’s highly recognized medical services and contributions to world health are well-known and it should participate in world health system, the AOT said.
The WHA is the annual meeting of the governing body of the WHO. Taiwan is excluded from the 72nd edition running May 20-28 in Geneva at the request of Beijing citing the “one China policy.” (HC-E)